Deonte's Semester at Sea

Male UCR student jumping in front of the Taj Mahal

Deonte' Lee

Major: Media and Cultural Studies and Studio Art
Participated in Semester at Sea (OAP)
Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity member and ASPB volunteer


The first day on the ship reinforced my belief in myself as a low-income, first-generation college student determined to climb the social ladder and contribute to society. I not only thought about my success following the voyage, but also how I could help others believe in themselves and live their dreams.

The easiest description of my education abroad experience as a low income-first generation gay man is that it made my soul smile. I truly found my passion in doing street style photography around the world. I was especially inspired in Vietnam, Japan, and South Africa.

Receiving a scholarship lessened some of the stress related to my study abroad experience and it allowed me to go through the voyage without the mental hindrance of constantly thinking about how I was going to afford tuition. The scholarship gave me the mental freedom to take in every experience without having to think about arranging finances in the U.S.

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