Education Abroad Student Spotlight: Camila Nalvarte Ique
Camila Nalvarte Ique is a 4th year Theatre, Film & Production major who interned abroad on the UCEAP Field Research & Internship program in Paris, France during Fall 2021. Her internship through the Institute for Field Education (IFE) completed on-site evaluations of all internships and produced a short report of a three-way meeting among IFE, Camila and her supervisor. They had great things to say about Camila’s work and what is possible on such a program.
“Camila has worked hard to use these opportunities to improve her French, even if film crews are very international and English is always present. She has also shown herself able to integrate thoroughly into the work teams in a film environment. Her supervisor is delighted and impressed with Camila’s commitment, her integration and the work she has accomplished.”
For the spring 2022 semester, Camila is participating in an additional UCEAP opportunity in France with the University of Lyon. “This UCEAP program opportunity would complement my studies at UC by giving me the opportunity to practice my major, film production, in a different country and learn their ways of the craft. I believe this program would allow me to see the world of French film entertainment in reality and expand my abilities to appreciate the art.”