Photo of Casemate's Square in Gibraltar during the day time

Education Abroad

Education Abroad

Education Abroad provides UCR students a gateway to high-quality international opportunities, offered through academic coursework, experiential learning, immersion to cultivate intercultural understanding and collaboration. We help students acquire the skills to work in a global marketplace, and promote access to global experiences as an integral part of a UCR education through student support services, including program advising, financial counseling, academic integration, and resource sharing.

We will help you find a program that works for you! Visit our chat room  to connect with our staff or student peer advisors. 

Attention UCR Faculty and Staff: Want to have a student leader present to your class or student program about education abroad opportunities? Click here to fill out the classroom visit request form.


Why Go Abroad?

Personal Growth, Career Impact, Academics


  • Studying, working, and living in another country gives you space to help you learn things about yourself, mature as a person, become more confident, and become more responsible.
  • Going abroad tells employers you have ambition, the ability to adapt to change, and the skills necessary to succeed in a multicultural environment. It will give you an edge over competition in an increasingly globalized market.
  • Not only do you get to benefit from the depth and hands-on experience while you’re studying abroad, you are more likely to have higher grades when you return.
Female UCR student studying in Russia holding Mexican flag

Funding for Education Abroad

Between financial aid and special scholarships, you don’t have to pay more to learn abroad. There are a wealth of funding sources you can qualify for just by submitting a simple application before going abroad.

Stories from Abroad